business insurances  /  art  - and value insurances

art  - and worth insurances

arrangement and procurement of insurance policies for art objects or worth things at home, for transport and warehousing (fairs, exhibitions etc.)

business insurances

arrangement and procurement of insurance policies especially for freelancers, self employed persons, architects, lawyers, accountants/tax consultants, craftsmen – multi risk and all kind of companies in following fields:

operating liability insurances, pension funds, professional failure insurances, legal protection insurances, operational failure insurances, multi risk insurance, legal forced liability insurance, transport and warehouse insurances etc.

We interoperate with a significant and specialised insurance company, price and performance fit together and that to very attractive conditions. Please do not hesitate to contact us, you will not be certainly disappointed, it will be only profitable for you.    

HOMEPAGE                           CONTACT

E-Mail:  hks.kern@gmx.de  or  drs.kern@t-online.de